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END THE FED by Ron Paul

Author: Ron Paul is a former American congressman who enjoys a worldwide reputation as the premier advocate for liberty today. He has been the leading spokesman in Washington for limited constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, and a return to a sound monetary system based on commodity-based currency.

Book: Ron Paul firstly advocates for the end of the Federal Reserve with moral and constitutional arguments. In his view, nobody has the moral authority to redistribute arbitrarily the country’s wealth by manipulating the money supply. Besides, the FED’s loose monetary policies are responsible for distributions in the capital structure, malinvestments, and therefore creating the artificial boom-bust cycle.

Opinion: This manifesto is one of the best resources for those who have started studying economics. It can help you formulate and answer questions that will never be discussed in 99% of universities/TV shows. Among them:
1. Who are the real beneficiaries of the fiat money system?
2. Why is the expansion of the money supply necessary?
3. Why is low inflation desirable and deflation a nightmare for most economists? (BS vendors mainly)

Key Stats:
Pages: 210
Level: Beginner/Intermediate
Mark: 9/10

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